Growing and safeguarding your personal finances requires one-on-one guidance to help you effectively manage your assets. We will help you create a comprehensive financial plan to manage risk, improve performance and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.
Scalco Financial is an independent fee-based wealth management advisory firm. Our independence allows us to offer you a straight forward unbiased approach to serving your investment needs. We understand your individual financial situation is unique and deserves an equally unique approach designed to coordinate your financial goals.
Because we are an independent firm, we have no obligation to sell proprietary products or services, so we can be openly selective in offering only those investment products and services that we believe are best suited to help meet your financial objectives and goals. This is the objectivity afforded by working with an independent financial advisor. We offer you timely, unbiased investment advice, and promise to do so with integrity and the highest level of service. Our independence allows us to properly put our focus where it belongs – on our clients.
What should you be invested in? There is no one answer to this question. The answer will vary from person to person and family to family, and should involve a host of various factors. As wealth management advisors, Scalco Financial can help you determine what’s right for you, your family and your lifestyle. A solid financial plan plays an integral part of helping you meet your financial goals.
Our investment process assembles a diverse spectrum of asset classes into portfolios that reflect each client’s requirement for return: their risk tolerance, time horizon, income need, and tax sensitivity. We believe that:
Wealth management is the long-term process of professionally managing your money to try to meet your financial goals and aspirations. Financial planning takes into account the personal and unique financial situation of you and your family over the long-term.
Successful investing involves time, discipline and a carefully selected balance of investment vehicles. We believe asset management is one of the most important investment strategies towards helping you reach your investment goals.
Many people underestimate how much money they will need to maintain their lifestyle in their retirement years. Factors such as inflation, a diminishing Social Security system and rising costs of healthcare can all quickly erode our hard earned savings.